Our history: respect for the sea since 1977

Learn more about FRIME’s history. Our passion for the sea is what leads us to sell fish to more than 30 countries around the world

An international expansion that began in La Boquería


The beginning

FRIME started operating in 1937, under the direcion of Jesús Ramon Gómez, grandfather of the current manager Salvador Ramon Mateo and father of the founder of FRIME, Salvador Ramon Gràcia.

It all began in La Boqueria

Jesús was imprisoned in a concentration camp on the beaches of Argelès (France). On his return to Barcelona, in 1937, he opened a small fish stall in La Boqueria Market (Barcelona).

Life in the market

Salvador Ramon Gràcia helped his father to buy fish at night in the Borne market and, during the day, he delivered ice bars to the fishmongers' shops in Barcelona.

The outcome of his efforts

Those years allowed Salvador to discover and learn everything he needed to know about the product, the market and its distribution as a wholesaler and producer.

FRIME’s first steps

In the late 70s, Salvador Ramon Gràcia founded FRIME S.A.U. and, more than 40 years later, the family tradition continues with the third generation Ramon linked to the sea.

History of FRIME:
we always look to the future


The start of FRIME

FRIME is founded by Salvador Ramon Gràcia, second generation of the Ramon family dedicated to fish

The first factory

The company opens its first factory, a cephalopod processing plant in Terrassa (Barcelona).

Growth begins

FRIME acquires Block 80 of the Central Fish Market in Barcelona and establishes the company’s activity as a wholesaler.

Success based on family tradition

Salvador Ramon Mateo, son of Salvador Ramon Gràcia and current Chairman of the company, joins his father’s company and works night shifts at Mercabarna, in search of a formula to expand the family business.


FRIME opens up to the world

The company starts exporting tuna to Japan and this leads the company to take a special interest in the tuna sector.

Based on these exports, FRIME develops its own technology and is inspired by the tuna defrosting and freezing techniques in Japan.


Exponential growth

FRIME acquires a warehouse in Mercabarna to process and export tuna and cephalopods throughout Europe and the company begins to create an international distribution network until its products reach 31 countries on a daily basis.


The aim is to improve every day

FRIME implements its first R&D team to look for a solution to freeze its product and make it go further without losing the quality and freshness of fresh fish.

A strategic alliance

The first agreement is signed with the Pesca Azteca fleet.

FRIME stands out as leader

After several years of growth, FRIME moves to Arenys de Munt and opens two new plants. The new facilities, specialised in tuna, will accommodate new staff and will be able to meet the increase in demand.

Expansion continues

Further expansion of FRIME’s facilities is necessary to maintain the company’s direction and growth. 41,000 square metres are acquired in La Roca to house the company’s largest plant and new R&D facilities.

First branch outside Catalonia

A new branch opens in Vigo.

The last movement

Opening of the new La Roca plant.

Where are we heading?

We are leading the way in sustainable fisheries to care for our oceans.

The secret of our success
lies in innovation and perseverance

More than 40 years in the industry

We have been in the business for more than 40 years and are expanding.

Líderes Europeos

European leaders in Yellowfin MSC

We are the leading company in marketing Yellowfin MSC in Europe and one of the most important in the world.


30 years of R&D

We offer a frozen product with an even higher quality than fresh ones.

We care for the ocean

We love the sea and only use the best raw materials in a sustainable way.